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How Much to Tune a Baby Grand Piano

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If you're planning on getting rid of an upright pianoforte, transporting it intact is very hard. Information technology'south much easier to disassemble the whole piano and motility information technology in pieces. Dismantling a piano requires patient work and you won't be able to use the piano again because you'll probably impairment pieces while taking it apart. If this is okay with yous, and so start past unscrewing all of the outer pieces to expose the pianoforte's inner workings. And so remove the keyboard and action brackets. Finally, take apart the residual of the piano construction to get it set for disposal.

  1. 1

    Open the key cover and piano lid. The key cover is located on the keyboard over the keys, and the lid is on the top portion of the piano. Both of these pieces should open easily. Slide the primal cover back past lifting slightly and pushing information technology backwards until it stops. The lid on superlative of the piano is on a hinge and opens from the front.[1]

    • Sometimes the piano lid is screwed down or secured in some style. If the lid won't lift off, search for screws holding it down. Remove them to lift the chapeau.
  2. 2

    Unhinge the pianoforte desk to expose the harp. The desk is the part of the piano in forepart of yous where the sheet music sits. With the lid open, you can look and reach behind the desk-bound. There is a hinge on each side of the desk securing it to the pianoforte body. Undo those hinges by sliding the hooks out of each socket to free the desk-bound. Then lift the desk off the piano.[2]

    • You may need help for this step. Piano desks tin exist heavy, and a 2nd person volition brand the lifting much easier.
    • Some piano builders secure the desk with screws. If you discover screws property the desk to the torso, remove them to lift the desk off.


  3. 3

    Unscrew the piano key encompass. The key comprehend is unremarkably attached with screws. After you remove the piano desk, await behind the cover and observe the screws. Remove them and elevator off the key cover.[three]

  4. 4

    Pull out the lower board to expose the inner mechanism. The lower board is the apartment, vertical section underneath the pianoforte where the foot pedals come out from. It houses some of the pianoforte'due south inner mechanism. Usually, it is but secured by a pin and jump. Look under the keyboard for a metallic pivot. Push button this upward to release the board. Then guide the lath out of position.[4]

    • Keep your manus on the board when yous button the pin. It could come loose suddenly and fall on you.
  5. 5

    Unscrew the top lid. The final outer piece is the tiptop hat, which you lifted up at the outset. It is secured with hinges. Unscrew the hinges from the piano torso to gratis the lid. So elevator the lid off.[5]

    • Put all of these wood pieces you're removing in a safe place. If you leave them out and near the work surface area, you could trip on them while you lot're working.


  1. 1

    Remove the muffler felt from the action. The muffler felt presses downward on the piano'due south strings to dampen the sound. It runs across the piano strings most eye level when y'all're sitting. Normally the muffler is held downward with a wingnut on one side. Unscrew that wingnut and lift the muffler out when it comes loose.[6]

    • Sometimes the muffler doesn't have a wingnut. In this instance, press the spring on the side of the muffler to undo its machinery. And then lift it out of the piano.
  2. 2

    Unscrew the bolts from the activity brackets. The piano action houses the hammers that strike the strings. It is located only to a higher place the keyboard. The action is held downwardly by 4 metallic brackets continued to the pianoforte with 4 knob screws. Plough all the knobs counterclockwise to remove them. Once all 4 are removed, the activity is no longer secured.[vii]

    • Commonly yous tin plow these knobs by mitt without a screwdriver. If at that place are slots for a screwdriver in the knobs, still, and then use a screwdriver.
  3. 3

    Pull the action machinery forrard and so lift it off. With the knobs unscrewed, the activity is gratuitous to motion. Grab 2 of the brackets from the top and pull the action forward until it reaches about a 45-degree angle. So lift straight upward to remove it.[8]

    • If you want to keep the action in adept status, only lift from the brackets, considering touching the internal machinery could cause damage. If you are planning on scrapping the piano pieces, then don't worry where you take hold of to lift the action out.
    • Having some other person to help lift the activity out is a good idea because the activity could be unexpectedly heavy.
  4. iv

    Elevator each key off the keyboard. The keys but rest on pins without existence secured downwards, so they just elevator off. Pull each key directly upwards to remove the keyboard.[9]

    • Put the keys aside into a bucket or box. Music shops or professional instrument technicians may want to purchase the keys to restore other pianos. Try posting your keys online or request local music shops if they are interested in buying spare parts.


  1. 1

    Loosen the tension in every string on the harp for safety. With the keyboard and action removed, y'all can hands access the piano harp. This is a large, metal frame secured to the back of the piano where the strings are attached. Do not practice anything else until you loosen the strings. The harp has dozens of metallic strings under high tension, and if ane snaps it tin can cut you. Discover the tuning pegs at the top of the harp. So turn each ane counterclockwise until the string sags.[x]

    • For a faster option, you can buy a cord turner. This works similar a drill that wraps around the tuning fork and loosens or tightens strings rapidly.
    • If you lot want to salvage or sell the strings, remove them entirely by clipping them with wire cutters correct below the tuning peg subsequently yous loosen them.
  2. two

    Unscrew the key bed from the piano body. The key bed, where the keys sat on before yous removed them, is attached to the pianoforte with a series of screws. The spiral locations depend on the manufacturer. Look upward the dorsum legs of the key bed for whatsoever screws holding information technology to the body. Then look forth the bottom of the key bed. Remove whatever screws yous come up across, then pull the key bed off.[11]

    • If you're throwing this piano out anyway, and then you don't have to be so careful. Use a mallet or sledgehammer to break the central bed abroad from the piano body and brand the job much faster.
    • With the key bed gone, the rest of the piano may be off balance. Exist careful standing behind information technology and keep children abroad from the piano until you're done working.
  3. iii

    Lay the piano on its back. With the key bed gone, the pianoforte might tip over, and then information technology's safer to stop the work with the piano on its back. Stand behind the piano and slowly guide it down to the flooring.[12]

    • This slice is heavy, then have someone else around to help.
    • Exist careful to avoid trapping your fingers to the floor when you guide the piano down.
  4. four

    Remove the piano side supports. The final outer parts of the pianoforte are the two planks on each side. On nigh upright pianos, this is where the wheels are. Look within the piano frame for screws holding these planks down. Remove all of them and then pull the side planks off.[13]

    • These planks volition also come up off with a few hits from a hammer. If you lot aren't trying to keep the wood in expert condition, take a mallet and pound the planks from the inside out. A few make clean hits should dislodge them.
  5. 5

    Pull off the piano harp to consummate the task. The final slice to remove is the piano harp. Information technology is attached to the pianoforte body with bolts and screws. Work your way around the whole harp and remove all the screws yous meet. Then lift the harp off to complete the piano disassembly.[14]

    • On some upright pianos, the harp is glued down to the wood. In this case, even if you remove all the screws, you won't be able to get the harp out.
    • Call up that the strings should exist loose before you lot remove the harp.


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  • Question

    How practise you remove the tuning pins? Is there a special tool?

    David Gibson

    David Gibson

    Community Answer

    There is a special tool you can buy online, but it essentially a wrench with a socket, and volition take forever to remove all the pins. There is no metric or English socket that will fit, but the one/four inch drive female end of a socket fits perfectly. Take the smallest you have - 9/32 or seven mm - and flip information technology and insert it in an electric drill. The pins should come up out very easily.

  • Question

    Practice I need to remove pins before removing the harp?

    Community Answer

    While the tuning pins are not actually attached to the cast-iron plate ("harp"), they do pass through the plate. With a grand piano, the plate can be pulled straight up afterward removing the lid, and can slide up and off of the pins withal in the pin block. An upright piano, spinet through upright grand sizes, cannot be slid off of the tuning pins as the keybed limits motion in that management. If the keybed is fully removed so information technology may piece of work, but at that point information technology would have just been easier to build a pianoforte mock-upwardly from plywood and lumber.

  • Question

    How do I remove keys from a pianoforte?

    Community Answer

    For antique foursquare grands, lift the band of wood just on the forepart side of the keys. It will slide vertically. Once removed, the key assembly can be slid out intact.

  • Question

    I want to remove the piano harp strings intact. How do I practise that?

    Community Answer

    Unfortunately, that is non viable. Yous would cease upward removing the plate so building a structure and re-stringing the apparatus to create the "look" of an intact strung piano. The tuning pins are not connected to the plate ("harp"). You lot would need to remove the wooden pin block, which is glued to the pianoforte structure, then reattach it to the removed plate. Additionally, the strings bend through pins in wooden bridges that are fastened to the wooden audio board. Removal of the strings from the bridges would leave slack in the strings that would let them autumn off of the hitch pins, which are the only attachment points of the string that is directly fastened to the plate.

  • Question

    Are there parts in a babe grand pianoforte that are recyclable?

    Community Answer

    The wood and the top of a baby grand piano can be reused or recycled.

  • Question

    How do you lot dismantle a piano?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Community Respond

    Dismantling a pianoforte is difficult and you won't be able to use it once you take information technology apart. Apply a screwdriver to unscrew the embrace and the top lid so y'all can take off the outer pieces and reach the inner parts. Loosen the strings and the cardinal bed and then you lot can pull out the harp and whatever other internal pieces yous can remove. In one case the inside is empty, use your screwdriver to accept off the sides and legs.

  • Question

    What kind of metal is in a pianoforte?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Community Reply

    The metal piano wire that's used for the pianoforte strings is made from tempered loftier-carbon steel. It'south a specialized type of wire, besides known as spring steel, that is durable and able to hold the tension for years and years, which is what allows a pianoforte to stay tuned.

  • Question

    Is it unsafe to take apart a piano?

    Drew Hawkins1

    Drew Hawkins1

    Customs Reply

    Pianos can be very heavy, and so the biggest risk involved with taking one apart is having something fall on you. The harp on the within besides equally the elevation cover and the torso of the pianoforte could seriously injure you if they fall on you. Be very conscientious and have somebody assistance yous stabilize the piano when you're taking it autonomously.

  • Question

    How practice I know if the legs on my piano are removable?

    Community Answer

    If it is an upright piano, they are probably attached at the summit past screws to the wooden plate under the keys. So, yep, they are removable, if you don't mind first removing the keys.

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  • About of the woods, hardware, keys, and metallic in the piano can be recycled or sold. Craftsmen would be particularly interested in the woods, especially if this is an old piano. Try selling the loose pieces earlier throwing the pianoforte abroad.

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  • Do not dismantle a pianoforte if y'all nonetheless plan on using it. You will need a professional to rebuild it from scratch.


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Article Summary X

It's possible to dismantle a pianoforte so information technology's easier to get rid of, but keep in listen that you won't be able to use the pianoforte again in one case you exercise. To dismantle a pianoforte, all you demand is a screwdriver. The first affair you'll demand to do is unscrew the cover and top chapeau so y'all can remove the outer pieces and access the keys and internal parts. In one case those are off, yous'll need to loosen the strings and the central bed that holds them in identify so you lot tin pull out the harp and internal pieces. Subsequently you've removed everything, the last thing you'll demand to do is lay the piano down on it's dorsum and take off the sides and legs. For tips about how to remove the side planks with a hammer, keep reading!

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How Much to Tune a Baby Grand Piano
